Friday, March 2, 2012

Romney Tsunami Coming to Your State Soon - Yahoo! News

Romney Tsunami Coming to Your State Soon - Yahoo! News

COMMENTARY | We're getting news at the speed of light these days, and it can make fools of us all. Some broadcast outlets continue to report that presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum split the delegate votes evenly in the Michigan primary.

Twitter, by several hours, beat yesterday's Washington Post story that state Republicans awarded two more delegates to Romney, who won the state totals.

Once a narrative is out there, it tends to stick, even when it's untrue or partially true. That may have worked in such ancient times as the 2008 elections, but now most people are too sophisticated to believe "narrative."

The prevailing narrative, supported by stale polling data, was that Santorum was a cinch to beat Romney in Michigan. It turned out that Romney won Michigan and slam-dunked Arizona.

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