Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Big Media Props Up Gingrich, Santorum

Make no mistake about it, a large part of the media is waging not-so-subtle warfare against Mitt Romney.

Romney is far ahead of the other candidates and yet Big Media portrays his campaign as a kind of insurgency-- off center, out of the mainstream.

This partisanship and lack of fairness by Big Media has some resonance with a narrow part of the GOP primary electorate, but it is not the best part.

I suppose some of that comes from anti-Mormon bias but you hope that all voters discover the better parts of themselves and do the right and moral thing for America.

The focus of the non-Romneys and their jock strap caddies in the media is to highjack the election and subvert the will of the voters.

You do remember the voters, don’t you? They’re the ones who gave Romney 454 delegates, compared to distant runner-up Rick Santorum with 199. Yet Big Media pounds voters with the tired narrative of a fill-in-the-blank Romney as if they’re no smarter than the Democrat Donkey (or is it a jackass?).

The hilarity of media ineptitude is only outpaced by its pathology as it touts a “Southern Strategy” narrative in which Mitt Romney was given “no chance” in Alabama and Mississippi. So why are the polls now showing a neck and neck race with Mitt Romney?

In fact, coming in second in either southern state would be a herculean feat for Romney since both states reward delegates proportionally.

MSNBC, Fox, CNN and many on the major networks are pushing a script trying to tell you Rick Santorum’s the “true conservative” in spite of his support of Democrat Arlen Specter vs. Pennsylvania’s truly conservative Republican Senator Pat Toomey.

Nor do “true conservatives” vote against right-to-work bills, as Santorum did.

Celebrity ostensibly conservative pundits shouldn’t forgive and forget that foundational part of conservatism, as they have been doing in the cases of Mssrs. Gingrich and Santorum.

Mr.Gingrich has won only two of 25 contests. Mr. Santorum hasn't fared much better except when he could wheedle votes to his side, and he dropped ten points in three days when he lost Ohio.

Don't forget that Mr. Santorum lost his 'home state' of Pennsylvania by a historical record 18 points in 2006.

Why don’t the pundits of left and right tell their audiences that car companies locate plants in the south because they are right-to-work states? Obviously, it's because they're trying to hold President Obama's union coalition together.

Hearing the truth about Santorum's support of unions in swing state Pennsylvania would surely be more enlightening than listening to Andrea Tantaros of “The Five” spouting “what Romney has to do” and why he “can’t close the deal” and every other false tired cliché of a moribund news enterprise.

We are living in a world of “special” candidates Gingrich and Santorum for whom the bar has been set low. Meanwhile, the Big Media continues to move the goalposts every time Mitt Romney scores.

While some respectable candidates have dropped from the race, two of the worst dissemblers remain, propped up by Big Media. The two math-challenged candidates have almost no path to winning the primaries, and no chance at beating Mr. Obama.

Pundits like Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh do a good job of taking on the White House but somehow they pretend not to notice Santorum and Gingrich are essentially Beltway lobbyists who traded on political connections. Perhaps, that’s what the pundits are about anyway, more eyeballs and more revenues.

Except for courageous Ann Coulter, most of the celebrity pundits implicitly believe that political news is about them. The candidates are only incidental, in their view.

Better candidates than Mr. Gingrich and Mr. Santorum have dropped out, and so would the twin lobbyists except for the propulsion of Big Media and a vortex of unclean and tangled motivations.

We need now to remember the times when winning elections was a major goal of the GOP, when we were not held hostage by a growing number of snake oil peddlers who call themselves “conservatives.”

It is not hyperbole to say that Romney Army is fighting to save America from slipping into the deep crevasses of history where lesser civilizations have vanished.

Support Mitt Romney. The Romney Tsunami is coming your way soon.

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