Saturday, September 16, 2023

How America Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Shades of Dr. Strangelove)


Someone on Twitter a.k.a. X dared to ask the question: What would you do in the event of a nuclear war?

I was glad someone asked, given the dangers of current U.S. foreign policy vis-à-vis the war between the ‘Allies’ of Ukraine and those of Russia.  It’s pretty clear the countries supporting Ukraine don’t want Americans and Europeans to think bad thoughts. But how can you not?

There’ s continuing escalation as the U.S. warmongering politicians keep pouring money and military equipment into Ukraine.  Not only is this killing off generations of Ukrainians and Russians, too, but it’s effecting a world wide malaise in inflated food prices, housing prices, automobile prices and industrial production. 

Terrified as I am, I was surprised by the blitheness with which many people responded.  There seem to be two sides.  At the prospect of a nuclear war between the U.S., China, and Russia, I would be on the side that simply gives themselves up for a horrible death.  On the other said, there are people saying, in effect, oh well, it’s not so bad as you think.

Let’s look at some of the responses:

Here’s a sober thought from “Thinking Creature” :  I’ve been in one of those bunkers in the Russian Far East: they could accommodate thousands, pretty amazing indeed. Now I am in Australia and all our buildings won’t withstand a wolf huffing and puffing. So we just turn into  a star dust. Very quick & hopefully painlessly.

 Meanwhile, bright boy Tor Vizsla says:   Nuclear weapons are less of threat then people make them out to be - the two weeks of radiation and the end of global trade that comes afterwards. That I am prepared for. 

Ah, very good there Tor!  I can rest easy, though my first thoughts run to the “end of global trade.”  Yeah, that would be an awful thing when you’re incinerated.

Then there’s the relatively moderate ‘The Nothing to See’ : You have to find a way to survive until radiation levels are low enough. Moreover, the entire infrastructure will likely be severely affected, particularly critical aspects like electricity, as nuclear plants are obvious targets. This is not just a matter of trade; the level of chaos is expected to be incredibly high.

I like this one.  You know he’s stocked up with plenty of ammo, a good supply of thirty round clips,  and has converted his AR-15 to full automatic. 

You will not breathe a sigh of relief from what cc cw who “likes playing guitar on the Louisiana Bayou” has to say about a tri-partite nuclear war between the U.S, China, and Russia:  the entire manufacturing complex in the USA; the gulf, east and west coasts are toast as are the major cities and especially the states where icbms and military bases are primary targets and will be hit with an over abundance of missiles from planes, subs, ships and icbms and small bombs that i imagine are already in position in certain places ( i hope I am wrong about this and that I am just being a little paranoid).

He hopes he’s wrong about this and is just being paranoid.  I hope he’s wrong about this too but as for the ‘paranoid’ I would say not, given the morons who are rattling China and pouring billions into Ukraine to fight the Russians.

 I mean, really, wouldn’t you rather hear lonesome cc cw playing his guitar on the Louisiana Bayou than the explosive sound of, wait for it - “The Sausage” Ivy Mike H-Bomb  Maximum Yield: 10.4Mt  Length: 24 feet 7 inches
 Weight: 39,000 – 42,000 pounds  Date Created: 1952






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