Friday, October 20, 2017

Dark Underbelly of Fusion GPS in 2016 National Elections

One of my dark secrets is that I have a psycho-crush on Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberly Strassel.  Making it clear, she had nothing to do with this writing.  You really need to read her column today in the WSJ to get the full picture, but I’m breaking it down here for the street.
If today you hear of Rep. Adam Schiff tearing his hair out and throwing a tantrum on the House floor, it’s because Strassel has shined a spotlight on his misdeeds as the ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee. That committee is a misnomer (intelligence) where Schiff is concerned.  He’s an infiltrator, representing some arcane and unknown parties, and he’s been tasked with obstructing probes into the Democrats’ collusion with the shady FUSION GPS during the 2016 elections. 
Fusion GPS is above the law, you understand. That’s according to its many lawyers who are sliming a congressional investigation into its activities.  Now why would Fusion GPS and Adam Schiff be smearing Rep. Nunez who heads the Intelligence Committee?  Why do they fear a probe into their relationship with a former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele?
Steele, you remember, is the guy who colluded with some unsavory (or unnamed) supposedly Russian FSB-KGB types to create a fake dossier sabotaging Trump (I voted for Bush, incidentally) during the presidential campaign.  Real steamy stuff in the dossier too – the kind of behavior you expect from top Democrats like Harvey Weinstein.   
These guys at Fusion GPS are above the law. They don’t have to respond to congressional subpoenas like the rest of us plebes. They told the committee to go screw – refusing to answer a single question.  This happens  at the same time Democrats are making a big deal of  supposed   Russian ‘interference’ in the election.  That’s another joke – the idea that Democrats are worried about anyone but Hillary Clinton who lost the election. The idea that Russian hackers could have caused Hillary’s election loss is absurd.  How many Hillary supporters do you know who changed their vote because of some agit-prop in the media?  Show me one.
 The GPS lawyers and their lobbyist Schiff (really, he should register as a lobbyist)    argue Fifth Amendment protections against self-incrimination. The laughs keep coming.
 Most Americans know courts are not supposed to interpret 5th Amendment (taken in response to every question by the Congressional investigators) rights as admission of guilt but my little blog here is not a court of law.  We can rightly wonder and think about anything we please.  It is very important to know  what Fusion GPS  and Adam Schiff, their sleazy imposter on the House Intelligence Committee,   are hiding. 

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