Saturday, October 29, 2016

FBI seizes FOUR Abedin/Weiner Email Devices In Weiner Teenage Sexting Investigation

Worm Turns in #HRC Unauthorized Email Scandal

Why did Huma Abedin use Anthony Weiner’s laptop anyway?

Clinton Staffer – “whole thing is *#$&ing insane”

The trick for Democrats is to allow themselves an escape route by appearing to be on both sides of a developing disaster.  Witness the words of Democrat Dianne Feinstein of San Francisco:  This is particularly troubling since so many questions are unanswered,” said Senator Dianne Feinstein.  That mild rebuke is hardly a salve for the sucking chest wound our national security has received from Hillary Clinton’s licentious abuse of power and privilege.  

But is Senator Feinstein going to go the moral route? Ha-ha-ha-ha-etc…. Not in the rest of her quote where she assumes the role of defense attorney: ““It’s unclear whether these emails have already been reviewed or if Secretary Clinton sent or received them. In fact, we don’t even know if the F.B.I. has these emails in its possession.”  This kind of utterance is as low and dirty as Huma Abedin’s long ago forgiveness of her husband for sending pictures of his junk to teenage girls.

Before the news broke, but possibly with knowledge of what was coming, President Obama had this to say in a radio interview:   “My advice to Hillary would be just listen to your conscience and do what you this is right and worry about the politics later.”  Laughter could be heard all the way to the Pope in Italy.

A wormier, more rotten apple of a statement could not be made. “Listen to your conscience?”…. The obviously tone – deaf president has been too busy to keep up with the daily briefing.  This is the president who lied about Hillary’s classified email scandal, saying he didn’t know about it until he heard it on the news. Cut us a break, dumbo!  Your lie has been publicly exposed.

FBI Director Comey reopened the Hillary Clinton email investigation not out of the goodness of his heart. He did so because some conscientious FBI agents working under him discovered more emails on FOUR devices used by Huma and Anthony Weiner. One of the FOUR devices belonged to Huma – the other three (cellphone, tab-type device, and a laptop) belonged to Anthony Weiner but all apparently contained emails that circulated to Hilllary, Anthony, and Huma and many are about government activity. 

As for the goodness of FBI Director Comey’s heart, consider that he granted immunity to top Clinton aides like Cheryl Mills and others for their cooperation. He didn’t need immunity – he had all the authority to subpoena, question, and seize their email devices too. 

The most AMAZING thing was that, not only did Comey  grant immunity to possible fellow criminal conspirators, he promised to destroy their laptops so that the information contained on them could never be looked at again. This is a particular DISASTER in that they, too, need to be REEXAMINED in light of the new email disclosures on Human Abedin/ Anthony Weiner devices.

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