Saturday, December 21, 2013

Youth Unemployment: Food Servers Need Not Apply

The youth of today, defined as those between the ages of 16 and 24, might want to move to France. There, Socialist President Francois Hollande has launched an ambitious project wherein the French government has offered to pay 75 percent of a young unemployed worker's salary for three years. In so doing, the French government hopes to create 150,000 additional jobs for youth within the next two years.

Meanwhile, back in the ole U.S.A., the Huffington Post reports a study that counts "almost 6 million young people (within that youth age group) are neither in school nor working." That translates to a 15 percent unemployment rate among youth in America, compared to a 25 percent unemployment rate in France.

If this is recovery, then why are we working as waiters and waitresses? 

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