Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tammany Hall Deja Vu in New York City Bribery Bust - Yahoo! News

Tammany Hall Deja Vu in New York City Bribery Bust - Yahoo! News

People are finally learning how to pronounce the name of Preet Bharara, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, appointed by President Barack Obama in 2009. Among other duties, Bharara's mission is to fight corruption in state and local government. Few New York histories fail to mention the Tammany Hall government which set the tone of New York City politics in the 19th century. The biggest problem with such histories is that the clandestine political corruption of political bosses is depicted as the detritus of a bygone era. Not so. Bharara just filed a criminal complaint against several New York political operatives he accused of conspiring to bribe political officials in return for favors, according to the New York Daily News.

What are the charges in the criminal complaint?
The complaint is long, amounting to 28 pages, and was filed at the end of March. But the basis of the complaint is that New York state Sen. Malcom Smith, a Democrat, along with his consorts, allegedly bribed Republican Party officials to enter the Republican primary race for mayor of New York City.

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