Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dead or Alive, Chris Dorner Haunts the American Psyche - Yahoo! Voices -

Dead or Alive, Chris Dorner Haunts the American Psyche - Yahoo! Voices -

AlterNet carries an account of the intentional burning scenario largely consistent with others of its type. A YouTube audio carries scanner audio of police communications regarding remote-operated vehicles, "blood spatter" inside the cabin, and snippets of reference to a "plan."

"We're going forward with the plan…like we talked about," someone says on the scanner audio," followed by "burners deployed, and we have a fire."

How much the scanner audio points to any one conclusion is a matter of interpretation. San Bernardino Sheriff John McMahon, seen in this YouTube video, disputes that police intentionally burned the cabin.
"We did not intentionally burn down that cabin to get Mr. Dorner out," he said.

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