Thursday, January 31, 2013

Sen. Bob Menendez Shouldn’t Take Foreign Relations Too Literally - Yahoo! Voices -

Sen. Bob Menendez Shouldn’t Take Foreign Relations Too Literally - Yahoo! Voices -

COMMENTARY |The major networks appear silent on allegations of sexual misconduct levied against Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey. Websites and blogs like Twitchy are going full speed ahead, however, and The Daily Caller appears angry at the smug hypocrisy of a powerful senator expected to be elevated the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Political scandals are endemic on both sides of the aisle and the unfortunate thing is that we have come to expect them. The Rep. Anthony Weiner scandal, covered by ABC News, revealed a married congressman who couldn't resist emailing revealing photos of himself to women he wanted desperately to impress. Former Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev. was disgraced when he betrayed a friendship for a love tryst, as reported by ABC News.

Some Europeans may call American condemnation of sex tourism as an excess of Puritan zeal, but what Americans resent most is the abuse of power. We expect our privileged leaders to avoid even the appearance of impropriety, and to spend their time and our resources doing the people's business.

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