Thursday, January 24, 2013

Factbox: 1000-Plus Jobs at Remington Could Exit New York - Yahoo! News

Factbox: 1000-Plus Jobs at Remington Could Exit New York - Yahoo! News

When deranged post-adolescent Adam Lanza grabbed his mom's guns and massacred innocent school children in Newtown, Conn., New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo blamed the weapons used in the murders, and pushed new gun legislation through the assembly. An AR-15 brought to the school by Lanza was like the ones manufactured at the Ilion, N.Y., Remington factory. Not all politicians blamed the weapon, and some had other concerns. State Sen. James Seward worried about the loss of more than 1,000 jobs in upstate Herkimer County. New gun legislation in a state which already has the toughest gun laws in the nation could hurt a state which suffers 8.2 percent unemployment. Consider some facts:

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