Thursday, December 6, 2012

Take “Fair” Out of the Vocabulary of Politics - Yahoo! Voices -

Take “Fair” Out of the Vocabulary of Politics - Yahoo! Voices -

No, "fair" is a term of art, used mainly by children desiring to get what they want from frustrated parents, and by adults behaving like children to get what they want. Unlike issues of equality, you will never see "fair share" brought up as an issue to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court.
President Obama uses the term "fair share" to get what he wants: $1.6 trillion in tax increases. He's betting that the energy of resentment can be harnessed, directed, put to political purpose. He's right, judging from the 2012 election results. But just because you are holding a whip doesn't mean you have to flog the horses pulling the wagons.

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