Thursday, October 18, 2012

Hollywood Launches Enviro-Missile Against Natural Gas Drilling - Yahoo! Voices -

Hollywood Launches Enviro-Missile Against Natural Gas Drilling - Yahoo! Voices -

The ideal intellectual target of the anti-fracking campaigns is the wealthy urbanite or celebrity who worries neither about transportation nor home heating bills. Think Yoko Ono or actor Matt Damon, roughly equal in wealth and privilege, and determined to convince "the masses" of the evils of energy beneath the surface.

Last week, we sold our house in a down market, moving from Pennsylvania to New York. There were not enough silver linings to make up for the asset loss but one of them was a tremendous savings in home heating costs.

Our Pennsylvania house was heated with oil, and even with our energy-efficient boiler, our winter energy costs were four times higher than the average monthly cost for natural gas heating of our New York house. Our annual energy use cost average on our new house was provided by National Grid, which serves this New York area.
According to the environmental evangelicals of Hollywood, I'm supposed to militate against my own self-interest to further the media interests of Hollywood types who expiate their energy guilt in money-making political activist films.
Damon portrays a gas company environmental criminal in a new anti-fracking film called "Promised Land," set for a January release, according to IMDb. Damon's environmentally sinful character solicits drilling rights in Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale and later experiences a spiritual transformation into an angel of "green" pietism.

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