Saturday, June 9, 2012

Will Obama Administration Aid Eurozone Bailout? - Yahoo! News

Will Obama Administration Aid Eurozone Bailout? - Yahoo! News ........Discover Yahoo! With Your Friends Explore news, videos, and much more based on what your friends are reading and watching. Publish your own activity and retain full control. ..To get started, firstLogin with Facebook. ..YOUR FRIENDS' ACTIVITY1-0 of nullprev next ... ....This story comes from the Yahoo! Contributor Network, where individuals publish their unique perspectives on some of the world’s most popular websites. Do you have a story to tell? Become a Yahoo! contributor....Will Obama Administration Aid Eurozone Bailout? ..By Anthony Ventre .PostsWebsite .By Anthony Ventre | Yahoo! Contributor Network – Tue, Jun 5, 2012....Email Share3Print...... COMMENTARY | Diverse cultures with different political and social appetites cannot be made to dance to the same economic tune. For more than two years, eurozone officials have been dithering, holding meetings, giving speeches, intimations, observations and obfuscations. Yet, the financial crisis has gotten steadily worse. Zacks reports the G-7 finance ministers and central bank officials are holding a remedial teleconference today, as Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke worries about the drag on the U.S. economy. Markets might move a little as confidence is again temporarily bulwarked, but the sun will rise next day on the same failed empire of promises. Let's face facts. Greece has spent itself into a coma with debt last year at 165 percent of GDP and voted for more debt and abrogation of contracts this year in the form of Alexis Ysipras, leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left.

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