Friday, June 1, 2012

Obama’s Economic Attacks on Romney Were Badly Timed - Yahoo! Search Results

Obama’s Economic Attacks on Romney Were Badly Timed - Yahoo! Search Results:

COMMENTARY | President Obama may have a chance at a second term, but it won't be because of his economic record. So why would he focus on Mitt Romney's record as governor of Massachusettsone day before the release of a disappointing May jobs report?
Surely, the White House had some indication of the May unemployment figures in advance. The image of Obama as a deft politician seems to be overshadowed by bad timing and poor strategic advice.
President Obama's assertion yesterday that Massachusetts ranked 47 out of 50 states in job creation when Romney was governor was carried by several media outlets, including Reuters. Appearing at the bankrupt Solyndra plant, Romney countered that the Massachusetts unemployment rate tumbled under his governorship from 5.6 percent to 4.7 percent, reports the Wall Street Journal.

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