Sunday, April 22, 2012

White House Placated China in Neil Heywood Affair - Yahoo! News

White House Placated China in Neil Heywood Affair - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'

COMMENTARY |Reuters reports that China holds $1.18 Trillion in U.S. debt. The Obamaadministration would like Chinese support at the P-5 plus 1 talks with Iran. The Chinese are also expected to curb the reckless impulses of the North Korean leadership.
The political scandal stemming from a mysterious British businessman's suspicious death in China is the last thing President Obama needs right now. The New York Times says the incident has left "the Obama administration in a scandal it wants nothing to do with."
Republicans are now questioning why the U.S. State Department in February refused to shelter Wang Lijun, a would-be Chinese defector considered to be of significant intelligence value.
I'll give you the cable television political thriller version:
Last November, British citizen Neil Heywood was found dead on the floor of his hotel in the burgeoning city of Chongquing.

(hint: click on the headline link 4 the rest of the story)

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