Monday, February 27, 2012

U.S. Should Attack Iran Nuclear Facilities, Not Israel - Yahoo! News

U.S. Should Attack Iran Nuclear Facilities, Not Israel - Yahoo! News

COMMENTARY | I wouldn't be surprised to wake up some morning soon to learn Israel has bombed military targets in Iran. But I'm not sure if "soon" means this week, next month or after the 2012 election.

U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey recently joined Defense Secretary Panetta in public statements aimed at restraining Israel. I wish the Israelis would wait, too, but for what?

Waiting for Iran to have a nuclear weapon and a means of delivering it would be ultimately more destabilizing for the region than an Israeli or U.S. attack. For America, it's a matter of getting bad news now or horrible news later.

One nuclear bomb could virtually destroy any small country and wreak destruction and havoc on a larger country.

(click on the headline link 2 read more)

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