Friday, October 7, 2011

Wall Street Protests: Co-Opting the Revolution - Yahoo! News

Wall Street Protests: Co-Opting the Revolution - Yahoo! NewsCOMMENTARY | The movement officially began with the moniker "Occupy Wall Street," but I prefer the more reflective "Citizens Against Nearly Everything."

Symptomatic of the shotgun approach to protest, one news clip depicted a woman carrying a sign advocating for the establishment of a Palestinian state. The beauty of the "Occupy Wall Street" movement is that you can protest anything and everything.

Dark and nefarious Wall Street financiers rigged world economic conditions to prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state. Sure, why not?

If there was a focus at all, it was on that giant concatenation of interlocking financial linkages known in the popular lexicon as "Wall Street." Somewhere in the labyrinth of collateralized debt obligations, mortgage derivatives, "swaps," and global ETFs, there were larcenous financiers who accepted taxpayer bailouts and spurned the unemployed.

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