Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pennsylvania Juggalo Killers Found Guilty of Murder - Yahoo! News

Pennsylvania Juggalo Killers Found Guilty of Murder - Yahoo! NewsShawn Freemore thought he could outwit lead prosecutor Michael Mancuso, a dogged prosecutor with considerable stamina, and a grasp of the dizzying disparities in the statements Freemore gave to investigators.

Mancuso replayed audio clips of rap narratives detailing the night of horror while simultaneously displaying photos of the dead man lying frozen in the snow and at the morgue, with deep facial, head, and neck gashes, slashes, all just where the rap-poems said they would be.

Then there was that deepest gash of all, the one that went through Michael Goucher's neck and passed through cartilage and tissue and bone to the other side.

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