Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bachmann Bites the Twitter Dust with HPV Vaccine Retardation Remarks - Yahoo! News

Bachmann Bites the Twitter Dust with HPV Vaccine Retardation Remarks - Yahoo! NewsOf Republican-leaning Twitter users, there are people who pride themselves on being the purest of conservatives, engaged in a perpetual exercise in brinkmanship.

If you tweet that the White House should deploy 4,500 additional agents to protect U.S. borders, the "top conservative" Twitter users will go one up on you and tweet that government should round up illegals and take them on a Bataan death march to the border.

I tweeted Monday's CNN debate was because I needed pare down my list. On the basis of that debate, I dropped Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann, Jon Huntsman and Ron Paul

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