Thursday, November 4, 2010

Opinion: Pleased that Pennsylvania has returned to a multi-party system - Yahoo! News

Opinion: Pleased that Pennsylvania has returned to a multi-party system - Yahoo! NewsHow quickly things move in the age of communication. America voted only two days ago and yet the news of the Democrats' defeat seems already old. If a person made a list of things which went wrong two days ago for Democrats and Progressives, you would have to include one item that appears on the list of things that went right for President Obama in 2008: the mainstream media.

The big push for Republicans came when network and cable news shows like MSNBC and CNN discovered that the Tea Parties were the sine qua non enabling them to paint Republicans as a bunch of wild-eyed, right-wing racists. With the advent of Tea Party demonstrations around the country, the mainstream media's daily bombardment could have flattened a small country. Shortly thereafter, the game was up for Democrats, though it would be a long time before they noticed.

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