Thursday, October 15, 2009

President Obama Has Time to Dance At Fiesta Latina

I don't mind seeing a president dance with a Latin hottie but I wish President Obama would have waited until he was out of office. The occasion was yesterday Oct 13, 2009 at the Fiesta Latina, and wife Michelle clearly didn't think it appropriate, especically when the loose-limbed prez fell into a little grind and bump routine with Thalia. There was no global warming on wife Michelle Obama's face as it froze into a statuesque and unyield pose as the president took a seat beside her.

The President's sign language was obvious as he fanned his cheek as if the Latina babe singer/dancer Thalia was too hot to touch. Obama looked strained as he tried to smile it all away like an embarrassed school-boy when he returned to Michelle.

I'm glad that Obama is so much more lithe on his feet than George Bush who looked robotic and boxy when he tried it for about half a second during his presidency. But I'll appreciate Obama's dancing more when he stops dancing around General McChrystal's request for more troops.

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