Thursday, May 21, 2009

Obama National Security Speech Weak, Says Cheney

President Obama deserves praise for reversing his position on releasing the CIA interrogation photos, said Dick Cheney at a speech following the Obama National Security speech today. It was the nearest thing you can get to a debate over a highly emotional issue--American safety from terror.

Ironically, New York Top Cop Ray Kelly today revealed the arrests of four Jihadis who planned bombings of Bronx synagogues. The men were also plotting to shoot down military aircraft with missile launchers but are now heading instead into federal court.

Cheney was steady and low-key in his approach. President Obama seemed somewhat defensive as he reiterated his plan to close Gitmo. In spite of the muted approach, Cheney drove straight to the core of the matter, saying that the Obama people were more interesting in publicizing the "method of the questioning than the content of the answers."

The President who says his administraitonb will be "transparent" has refused to tell America what horrors it was saved from by the Bush-Cheny efforts and the records remain classified. It doesn't make sense, of course, to hide from America the followup attacks that Al Qaeda had planned. It's politics at its worst and the President's posturing about "values" looks weak in the face of terror attacks such as the ones that occurred in Washington, in NYC, and in Schenksville.

To hear the administration prating about its high-toned preachiness, you'd think America had waterboarded thousands of terrorists yet there were only three, Khalid Sheikh Mohammad among them. KSM's words to his captors were that he wouldn't talk about additional planned attack or say anything else until he was brought to New York to see his lawyer. Clearly, thousands more Americans may have been murdered while KSM went through a ten-year appeal process.

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