Monday, April 27, 2009

Obama Silent on Stepped Up Iraq Bloodshed

Stepped up attacks by homicide-suicide bombers in Iraq are directed at the apparent weakness of the new Obama administration and its pullback at any cost policy.

Leave it to the Obama team to diligently snatch failure from the jaws of victory. Could anyone have given a clearer message to the enemies of a democratic Iraq than this administration? How many times did Obama rally his pacifist legions on the campaign trail with exhortations of an Iraq withdrawal? This willingness to put partisan politics above all political reality will damage Iraq and strengthen the Taliban and Al Qaeda alliance, and threaten other governments in the region. And now Obama remains desperately silent, refusing to stand up for the great sacrifices made by Americans and Iraqis in ridding Iraq from murderer Saddam.

In order to please his pacifist international constituency, Obama believes too much in his often-touted rhetorical skills, his cult of hipster personality, and empty verbal reassurances from Secretary of State Clinton.

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