Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Is Your City on the White House Target List?

I wonder what city will next get buzzed by Air Force One and its escort of F-16s today. Rumor has it that the president’s White House team has filed secret flight plans to target a different city every day. Of course, not every city in America has a Statue of Liberty in its harbor to create a proper backdrop for one of the president’s slick rides. New York City was chosen to be the first American city to be buzzed by the signature passenger plane and its F-16 escort precisely because it presents the perfect photo opportunity for a White House team insecure about its national defense profile. Americans can be justly proud of the Obama administration in launching and keeping secret what President Obama called “classified” information about the New York City fly-over.

“Mission accomplished,” said the White House team.

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs seemed surprised at the negative public reaction to the flyover during his daily press briefing April 28. Gibbs seemed to forget he was Obama’s press spokesperson when he advised reporters to contact the White House for further information. Gibbs had to be reminded of his position by a quick thinking Fox News Network reporter. Gibbs took issue with the reporter's mild rebuke.

“It wasn’t as if we dropped a JDAM on ‘em or anything,” commented Gibbs, a wry smile softening his features.

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