Sunday, November 23, 2008

Obama Picks Eric Holder Anti-Gun Attorney General

So much for "I support the Second Amendment," and so much for the notion of "change." Those were Barack Obama's words during the campaign and, of course, the truth will out.

Holder was Deputy Attorney General under Janet Reno during the Clinton Administration. Indeed, it seems that Obama has hired the entire Clinton clan to run the White House for the next four years. That's "change we need." The twinkie left has to be having conniptions when thinking of the Obama message of "change" and then having to deal with all these Clintonistas who keep popping up.

Eric Holder, like many newly elevated elites, has his own left-liberal fanatical interpretration of Second Amendment rights. Holder said that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right, but instead protects the right to have a firearm when serving with a militia. I'll have to join the U.S. Army again, apparently, or move to Afghanistan.

The NRA researched Holder's position and points out that Holder signed Janet Reno's brief to the Supreme Court in the Heller case.

For sure, the Obama people want a redo of the recent Supreme Court decision which supports the 2nd Amendment rights to gun ownership by responsible citizens.

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