Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - FBI Warns of Possible Terror Plot Against New York City Subways During Holidays - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News - FBI Warns of Possible Terror Plot Against New York City Subways During Holidays - Local News | News Articles | National News | US NewsIt's the holiday season and, as you might expect, Al Qaeda terrorists are not full of good cheer. Clearly, the Islamo-fascists are thrilled by the crash dive of the U.S economy and they feel that it is best to strike during a time of perceived U.S. weakness. Aside from the economy, there is another positive for the Al Qaeda Nazis in that we will soon have a new and untested president who, according to Joe Biden, is "guaranteed" of a test.

The geo-political pressures are building alongside the economic ones. Iran incrased its numbers of centrifuges very quickly to 5,000 all spinning away merrily at once. And when we last looked into Agent Raz Putin's eyes, he was pulling Medvedyev's strings to put missiles around Poland in perceived "retaliation" for the planned U.S. missile shield. The Russian Navy is in a joint manoever and manipulative circle-jerk with Chavez of Venezuela; they're doing this to please the old line communists who pine for the former Soviet Utopia.

So...if you click on the headline title, you will be taken to a Fox News site which tells the story of anticipated threats to the New YOrk Subway system. To tell the truth, any New York infrastructure element would make a great target but that surely doesn't rule out the transportation systems and institutional buildings of other cities and towns.

America is a mix of great people and idiots, and I wonder if the mix is not too much in favor of the latter. I wonder, too, if the new president can keep us as safe from future attacks and security threats as the outgoing president did. If the Islamo-Nazis, the Russians, or the Persians detect even a slight hint of mushiness (if they haven't sensed it already), you can be sure they'll go for the juglar.

There are stewing in their own sauces and they are tired of the successful experiment called the United States of America, a work still in progress.

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