Saturday, October 4, 2008

Does Hillary Support Transfer to McCain-Palin?

A Previous Report by Laura Conway detailed the McCain – Palin message of a campaign rally in Lebanon, Ohio. Afterward, Laura interviewed some of her business associates and friends to see what they thought about McCain-Palin. Interestingly, one of Laura’s friends is a Democrat and a previous supporter of Hillary Clinton. As with many women in the business world, the “glass ceiling” message advanced by Hillary Clinton got through to her, but will it transfer now to Sarah Palin, now that this previously unknown dynamo may be fast-tracked to be America’s 1st woman president? Here’s what Laura found out:

After the throngs of people slowly filed out of the grand stand stage, I went into the “Golden Lame” restaurant to sit down for lunch and discuss with some of my Cincinnati friends what they thought about the rally. Here's an excerpted view of my Q and A with some McCain-Palin campaign event attendees:

First, I asked Carol Greene, a registered Democrat, why she decided to go to the McCain-Palin campaign event today.

“Because of the enthusiasm about the ticket and having never attended a live political rally before," said Carol.

I next asked Carol what she found most important in terms of the content of the McCain-Palin speeches.

“Palin's experience and her accomplishments with the oil industry. McCain’s smile and authenticity," Carol told me.

She felt that now she has seen a softer, personal side of the McCain persona. Carol implied she was won over somewhat by the McCain Palin reform message. She was disappointed, however, that neither McCain nor Palin had mentioned their policies toward Israel, an important issue to her.

“How do you think you are going to vote in November”? I asked Carol.

Carol told me she was still undecided but leaning strongly now towards McCain.

Next, I interviewed Karen Cheyne, a registered Republican, asking the same questions I'd put to Greenberg. Karen also said she was responding to the historical moment of the occasion.

"I wanted to see McCain and Palin together," said Karen.

For Karen, it was the first time she had attended a live political rally. She found it exciting and interesting, different from watching a campaign appearance as a television viewer.

I next asked Karen what she felt was most important in the content of the McCain and Palin talks with the audience. An astute political observer, Karen was quick with her answer:

“Pork barrel spending and ear marks were the most important hot buttons for me. I'm very much against the pork which is embedded in many bills."

Karen told me she was very disappointed to hear how many ear marks Barack Obama had signed off on.

"Obama signed off on over $900 million dollars in ear marks during his short tenure as Senator--almost $1 million dollars for every day he has been in office!“ Karen said with apparent disgust.

Karen was impressed with how both McCain and Palin came across in-person live, rather than on TV. They seemed to really compliment each other. She was impressed with Sarah’s husband, a manly figure who seemed at ease with the process and supportive of Governor Palin, a possible future vice-president of the United States.

“I was intent on voting for McCain already but the rally strongly reinforced my decision. I am really excited about my choice. McCain’s pick of Sarah and their dynamics added life to the ticket”.

I wasn't alone in interviewing the McCain Palin campaign attendees. The atmosphere inside the restaurant was humming with activity. Broadcast media and newspaper people were running around conducting interviews and feeding off the frenzy. I just sat back with a big smile on my face soaking up the whole experience and looking outside as the sun finally broke through the gray sky. What a fine day it had turned out to be! I felt lucky in being able to participate in such a historical moment and felt renewed confidence in America's future. Most importantly, I felt very proud to be an American!

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