Tuesday, September 23, 2008

McCain's a Hero in Scranton, Obama's Not

John McCain’s visit to Scranton PA yesterday had Obama supporters scrambling. People began lining up to see Senator McCain as early as 4:00 a.m. for a 9:30 a.m. appearance, according to WBRE, a local news station. McCain’s popularity in Pennsylvania is simple to explain. In spite of his humility, Senator McCain is a “great man” and Obama is not.

The credibility factor plays heavily into McCain’s support, especially in a state where so many young Pennsylvanians exhibit pride and love of country through military service. Pennsylvania voters are a perspicacious lot, tending to disavow what they perceive as the “phony” representations of Barak Obama.

It doesn’t help that Obama recently attended a swank fund-raising gathering in Nancy Pelosi’s home town of San Francisco and described Pennsylvania voters “bitter and clinging to guns and religion.”

People connected with McCain’s message of reform, and his selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate. The outdoor and fighter jet fuel credentials appeal to the state’s voters more than the Arugula and upscale food markets favored by Obama supporters.

Democrat Bob Casey appeared with a reluctant Governor Rendell, a Hillary supporter, to counteract McCain’s popularity. While Bob Casey has attached his political star to the Obama campaign, Rendell merely does his “duty” as a Democrat in accompanying the egregious and public relations minded Casey.

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