Saturday, September 13, 2008

GOP Worries in Common with Sirius Left

A black guy called into Lynn Samuels’ show on Sirius Left radio and said that Obama’s choice of VP was the “dumbest ###%@@@#$% damn thing Obama ever did.” He said the choice of Biden just about insured that “nothing would be done” and that the rejection of Hillary just about guaranteed he’d lose the election. Even Joe Biden agrees that Hillary would be a better VP choice than he was. So I guess there is a unifying thread between the two major parties. Maybe it's true as the rumor has it that Biden's going to take a dive.

Another African-American women called in to talk about her tee-shirt making friend. The woman said she’d been ostracized, excoriated, and scorned for her Hillary support. She described herself as one of “three black people” in her neighborhood who were for Hillary Clinton. Not true, protested Samuels. Lots of women were for Hillary but the Obama people were covering it up, says Samuels.

One of the most courageous African-American women to support Hillary even while Hillary’s former supporters scrammed and crawled over to the Obama camp was Rep. Stephanie Tubbs-Jones of Ohio. Tubbs-Jones was a straight up woman and a Democrat with backbone. While the reasons for her death were given as a stroke, and I don’t doubt that, I wonder how much the angry, vindictive, passive-aggressive haranguing Obama supporters had to do with her death.

So Lynn Samuels is my favorite leftist. We have some of the same worries. She asked one caller recently what would happen if a catastrophe hit the White House and Obama and Biden were killed. What?
“That would leave Nancy Pelosi as the president! A nightmare! Nobody in the world would be more horrible than Pelosi!”

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