Saturday, July 5, 2008

Open Letter to Washington D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty

Dear Mayor Adrian M. Fenty,

Thank you for protecting Washingtonians with the strictest gun laws for so many years. We are especially proud that Washington’s crime rate has diminished from its all-time high in 1991 of 482 murders. That was really too much for our rather small population of 600,000 people. Compared to 1985, the murder rate in Washington, D.C. is 4.4 murders less per 100,000 people, a considerable savings in terms of funeral expenses. But we are making progress. The murder rate in Washington D.C. has shown a not-so-surprising resurgence in 2008.

We especially appreciate the police work that you have done after people were killed by violent criminals with guns or knives. You may have even saved the life of Mack Sennitt, who was murdered on the affluent streets of Georgetown in 2006, had you arrested the criminals a few days earlier. While those criminals had a handgun, and Mack Sennitt didn’t, it must be satisfying to know that Mack’s throat was slashed and he died from that stabbing rather than from bullet wounds. That will improve the handgun vs. crime statistics and make your case stronger for the “strictest gun laws possible.”

So keep dragging your feet and obstructing the Supreme Court ruling regarding the individual right to bear arms. America’s violent gun-toting criminals must not risk being shot at while committing the murders which have diminished the city’s population. Remember always that you are the Mayor of a narrow group of affluent elitists who know best how to get the police to come before their lives are taken, rather than after, as is the case for most of us.

Peace out,

Thugs Incorporated.

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