Sunday, July 20, 2008

California: Nancy Pelosi's Elitist Utopia

California seems a whole lot more glamorous and attractive to those who don’t live there and to a lucky few who do live there under favorable circumstances of wealth and prestige. Think of Nancy Pelosi, for lack of a better model of a happy Californian. You would think Arnold Schwarzenegger would be happy, too, except that he’s governor of a state which is tied with Mississippi for 3rd place in the amount of unemployment. In some parts of the state, unemployment is as high as 7%, but the overall state average is somewhere in the range of 6.7%. Financial, services, and manufacturing sectors have been hard hit. Now the California State Automobile Association is moving out at a cost of 900 more jobs. The reason given by their spokeswoman is that it costs too much to do business there than it does in other states. The California operation will be run out of call centers in Arizona and Oklahoma.

California has a 101 billion state budget but 1/7th of that is debt and deficit. No problem to state Democrats, though; they’ve proposed an $8 billion tax increase to fix the problem. Schwarzenegger is frustrated in his attempt to rein in spending. It’s a trend that may move California up higher in the unemployment sweepstakes. As businesses continue to flee, and as unemployment continues and grows higher, California liberals want to keep spending with more funding from the taxpayer.

But hey, its works for Pelosi so why wouldn’t it work for California? People without jobs or money will be forced to conserve. Just think of the environmental benefits. Couple that with Pelosi’s support of a continued ban on off-shore drilling, and you have the conditions of a perfect Utopia. The rich spend and play and enjoy the weather. The poor will take the free shuttle to the gardening jobs provided by the free-spending elite.

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