Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Some Chicago Opinions About Rezko - Obama

The Rezko trial is capping off in Chicago. Remember, Rezko's the Obama friend who contributed thousands to his political campaigns and helped him buy a mansion. In the quid pro quo, politician Obama helped Rezko secure taypayer money to rehab homes in Chicago neighborhoods. Here's a sampling of commentary from the Chicago Tribune story published today:


GUILTY! Now go to prison the rest of your life and take Blago with you!
Chicago, IL Reply »

Obama sure knows how to pick his friends...and accept financial favors from this particular one, Rezko, in the purchase of Obama's mansion. In questions of judgement, Obama rates an F-minus.
Chicago, IL Reply »
and those are only the friends we know about.. just think of all the friends obama is trying to hide...
Darius wrote:
Obama sure knows how to pick his friends...and accept financial favors from this particular one, Rezko, in the purchase of Obama's mansion. In questions of judgement, Obama rates an F-minus.
Palm Beach Gardens, FL Reply »
When will Fitzgerald indict Obama?
Juror 8
United States Reply »
Did Obama pay enough to the jury to get Rezko off?
Juror 9

|Report Abuse |#7 10 hrs ago
Fitz is a friend of Obama, he won't go after him.
Tell the truth
United States Reply »

Rezko is looking for an Obama pardon. Clinton let his crooked friends off. Obama got over 200,000. Enough to get a pardon.

God help us. Obama will screw this country.
United States Reply »
|Report Abuse |#9 10 hrs ago
No problem with the story, but the guy was a co finance chairman and a chief fundraiser for Obama, also -- a detail that should have been in the story, imo.
Promises Promises
Naperville, IL Reply »

I hope that Blowjo is next.
Forest Park, IL Reply »

Guilty as charged. Now on to Blagojevich, and Obama.
Jim Lad
Victoria, Canada Reply »

Just as soon as Obama gets the nod, you'll get your verdict.
I think these clowns honestly believe that the law cannot go after a presidential candidate.
I'm sure the files are just waiting to be signed and dated then Hillary can get back down to election business.
John J Coughlin
Chicago, IL Reply »

Obama is not now and never has been a leader in Illinois politics. He is nothing but a stooge. If this case is rigged it is not through any of his efforts.
Hinsdale, IL Reply »

Thank God this could soon be over. Who really cares about this story anyway?
I Smell Billary
AOL Reply »

Wishfull thinking is not a way to run a presidential campaign. If wishing he was involved in a corruption case, that's crazy !

I wonder if the state is investigating the millions in taxpayer moneys Rezko received for Chicago housing "rehabilitation", some of which was used to smooth political difficulties and pay back political favors.

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