Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Cuban Political Prisoner Roberto Martin Perez

John McCain 2008 - John McCain for President A while back, I saw a short documentary interview with Roberto Martin Perez. It's a story that shouldn't be ignored and I'm glad McCain supports the Cubans who were annihilated, tortured, or ostracized by the Castro Marxists. Here's a quick bio of Robert Martin Perez:

In August of 1959, the Castro regime imprisoned 24 year old Roberto Martin Perez. He was held as a political prisoner for 28 years, including 18 years in solitary confinement. In prison, he was cruelly tortured and shot six times. He was knows as a "plantado" -- a political prisoner who resisted the Castro regime's "rehabilitation program" by refusing to wear the uniforms of common prisoners and spent 22 years in their underwear. Since his exile from Cuba in 1988, he has dedicated his life to fighting for the freedom of the Cuban people.

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