Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Barack Obama, The Movie : Sequence 3, the MSNBC Interview

Previously on Barack Obama, The Movie: Obama still struggles with the nicotine patch, even as he takes a sit for an interview with Willie Geist and Mika Brezinski at the MSNBC studios:


Barack Obama smiles broadly in the direction of the camera. He has wonderful, strong teeth and is rightly proud of them although one campaign advisor told him it might be a turn-off for the elderly. But for the MSNBC studio cams, Obama feels it is important to smile brightly.


Mika Brezinski and Willie Geist swell to the cameras and smile.

Mika Brezinski
Welcome to the Obama Channel...errr, MSNBC, I mean. There, I said it.

Willie Geist
So you did, Mika. Hello, Senator.
Barack Obama
Hi, Willie... Go ahead...Ask me anything...

Mika Brezinski (painfuly)
Welllllll, Senator... Bar-Ack O-Bah-Mah!...

Barack Obama (smiling)
Yes, here I am, sweetie....

Mika Brezinski (giggling)
So you are, Senator..
(giggling even more)
And we...that is, Willie and I, Mika...

Barack Obama (interjecting)
I know who you are, Mika... I catch your show even when I'm on the road...

Mika Brezinski
That's cool, Senator!...That's really, really, really cool!

Barack Obama
And you're cool, too, Mika, and so is Willie over here...
(motioning toward Willie)
..cool, too.

Willie Geist
Thank you very much, Senator, and now I'd like to ask you...

Barack Obama (chuckling)
I hope you're not going to ask me if I'd like a pillow now, are you? Heh-heh... Remember that SNL clip that got so much play on YouTube?

Willie Geist
Well, that was funny, Senator...but only for a little while, not for 2 weeks like they played it.

Barack Obama
I didn't think so either. You know, some folks just don't know when to quit and be serious. The country's facing a lot of problems and I don't like spending a lot of time on nonsense the way President Bush does, and the way Senator McCain would if he is allowed to serve George Bush's third term.

Mika Brezinski
Well put, Senator! My, that's eloquent. It's no wonder Chris Matthew had a chill running down his leg when he hears you speak.

Barack Obama (slyly)
I hope you're not going to tell me, Mika, that you have a chill running down your leg....

Mika Brezinski (embarrassed)
OH, NO!..NO!..NO! No, Senator.

Barack Obama
I hope not, anyway..
Michelle might take issue with me on that.

Mika Brezinski
No, no chill..but you can call me "sweetie" any time, Senaator. I think it was horrible how the right-wing media jumped all over you for that.

Barack Obama
So do I, Mika...it was horrible. As if I were a...what's that word...that SAT word?...

Willie Geist
Misogynist? Sexist?

Barack Obama
You said it, Willie, I didn't. Listen, there's a big difference between a candidate like me who's for the rights of everyone, including members of the opposite sex, and certain members of the Republican Party who have a very narrow view of the role a woman should play in national politics with the exception of Condy Rice, of course. I think my deep friendship with Senator Clinton should make it very, very clear that I am not a sexist.

Willie Geist

Mika Brezinski
Plus you married a woman, too, didn't you? Woman-haters don't generally do that, do they?

Barack Obama
No, they don't.

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