Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Questions for Barak Obama

I flipped the channels this a.m. to watch the Obama News Channel and, true to form, the producers were airing another long and tedious clip in which Obama was presented to viewers at the most favorable camera angles and with the same fervent close-ups usually reserved for the hottest Hollywood starlets. What bugs me out most about Obama is that the interval of time between each word varies anywhere from 1 to 3 seconds. This is just too much for the average person, and the mind wanders either to the remote control or to the same loving gaze applied to Obama by acolytes Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann. Since Obama offers only vague slogans, delivered in sing-song church-like cadences, viewers must imagine that they hear what they want to hear.

It is already many months since Obama has declared his candidacy, and CNBC hasn’t yet asked Obama one serious question except the following:

“Are you comfortable? May we offer you a pillow?”

Okay, I’ve ripped off SNL for that memorable line, but the ethical lapse of judgment Obama shows in accepting real estate favors from Antoin Rezko deserves some questions.

Did you ever notice how awkward Obama is when he has to answer questions from the non-Obama Channels? There was the awkward moment at Philadelphia’s Italian Market. Certainly, Obama might have used the occasion to assure Pennsylvanians he didn’t relish Rev. Wright’s “garlic nose” pejoratives. There was also the fibbing about his contacts with the Canadian embassy officials regarding his vaunted NAFTA position. Obama also had his Dukakis moment when he visited a PA bowling alley in an attempt to pose as a “common man.” And why do Obama’s handlers tell him to avoid last week’s Martin Luther King celebrations in Memphis? And to avoid also a visit to North Philly’s toughest neighborhoods? My guess is it is because his appearance there and his brand of elitist left-liberalism might be embarrassing on the mean streets of the inner city.

Obama hasn’t every won a major political contest. He lucked out in getting a Senate position when his formidable Republican opponent withdrew in the wake of a sexual scandal. Obama then won his senate seat against the articulate radio commentator Alan Keyes, a resident of Maryland, who entered the race only two months before Election Day. It puzzles me that there are people across America who will yet vote for “change you can xerox.”

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