Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hillary Clinton Blow-Out In Pennsylvania!!!

New PA senator Bob Casey looked pale in his early appearance on Fox News as the station called the Pennslvania primary a big Clinton win not even an hour after the polls closed. The early numbers give the impression of a Clinton blowout should they hold up throughout the evening. Certain to hold up is a big Clinton victory of at least ten points and possibly as large as 20. Hillary Clinton was leading big in all groups except for African-Americans clustered around Philadelphia.

Apparently, the fledgling Senator did not help Obama in spite of the fact that they were inseparable during the Pennsylvania campaign. The Pennsylvania race should be a boost to campaign finance reformers who resist the idea that campaigns can be bought. Huge amounts of dollars flowed into Pennsylvania from the Obama campaign but Pennsylvania is a fiercely independent state which does not follow the conventional rules of groupthink politics.

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