Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pentagon Harmony Documents Describes Saddam Terror Plans

The Pentagon Harmony documents, now declassified, put the spotlight on Saddam Hussein’s link to world-wide terror. Those people who are caught up in the “no-weapons-of-mass-destruction” chant ought to read it. Perhaps presidential candidates Obama and Clinton might want to express some views, too.

The Harmony Documents is a trove of paper, audio, video, and computer files collected by our troops in Iraq. It’s extensive, consisting of over 600,000 items, and shows Saddam’s deep commitment to a reign of terror against the U.S. and its allies. Among the conclusions drawn by Pentagon analysts:

Throughout the 1990s, the Iraqi Intelligence Service (IIS) cooperated with Hamas; the Palestine Liberation Front, which maintained a Baghdad office; Force 17, Yasser Arafat's private army; and others.

The IIS gave commando training for members of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, the organization that assassinated Anwar Sadat and whose "emir" was Ayman al-Zawahiri, who became Osama bin Laden's second-in-command when the group merged with al Qaeda in 1998.

According to a 1993 memo, Saddam decided to "form a group to start hunting Americans present on Arab soil; especially Somalia." Somalia is where Al Qaeda conducted attacks against U.S. troops sent to Somali in a humanitarian mission. Read the book: “Black Hawk Down.”

According to the report, Saddam took an interest in "far-flung terrorist groups” … as long as that organization's near-term goals supported Saddam's long-term version."
For 20 years, such "support" included using Fedayeen Saddam training camps to school terrorists, especially Palestinians but also non-Iraqis "directly associated" with al Qaeda, continuing up to the fall of Baghdad.

Saddam also provided financial support and weapons, amounting to "a state-directed program of significant scale." In July 2001, the regime began patronizing a terror cartel in Bahrain calling itself the Army of Muhammad, which, according to an Iraqi memo, "is under the wings of bin Laden."

In 2002, an IIS memo explained to Saddam that Iraqi embassies were stockpiling weapons, while many of the terrorists trained in Fedayeen camps were dispatched to London with counterfeit documents, where they circulated throughout Europe.

Also in 2002, the IIS began to manufacture better improvised explosive devices "designed to be used in civilian areas," and the regime bureaucratized suicide operations, with local Baath Party leaders competing to provide recruits for Saddam as part of a "Martyrdom Project."

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