Sunday, January 20, 2008

Are you a Rush Limbaugh or Anne Coulter Approved Republican?

Proving that Republican women can be free spirits too, Anne Coulter proudly displays her legs alongside a Grateful Dead poster.

Rush Limbaugh hasn't yet made Time's Man Of The Year but one day he probably will. Rush is a really, really, really funny political satirist except when he's not. It's not funny when Rush refuses to issue hero Republicans like John McCain a "True Republican" passport. I'll bet McCain could get Rush's approval if he organized an Auschwitz or Bataan style death march for illegal immigrants. But now let's turn to today's play:

A man sits reading the newspaper while his eight year old son sits on the floor playing a computer game. A political news show is on television.

Daddy, who owns the Republican party?

(looks up from paper)
What's that, sonny?

Who owns the Republican Party?

(putting down the newspaper)
Well, I don't know that it has an owner, not exactly.

But if it did have an owner, who would the owner be?

Well, I'm not sure but I think that people like Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter might own the Republican party.

How can you tell, Daddy?

I can't really...It's just a feeling I have. I don't think the Republican Party really has an owner but there are people like Anne Coulter and Rush who often tell the Republican Party what it should be and who should belong to it. And if the Republican Party accepts that, then it is much like bequeathing a little bit of ownership to them.

What do you mean, Daddy?
Well, let me put it this way. I person could register as a Republican and vote for Republicans and even be a war hero like many other Republicans and still not be a "True Republican" according to Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh.

How can that be, Dad?

Take John McCain for instance. Anne and Rush are saying he's not a "True Republican" because he doesn't believe that a person could, in good conscience, round up ten million illegal immigrants and organize a Bataan Death March to get them back across the border. "True Republicans" like Anne Coulter and Rush Limbaugh must always refer to Senator McCain as an "Amnesty Candidate."

Doesn't make sense, Dad. Wasn't Ronald Reagan a "True Republican?"

Yes. Ronald Reagan was the truest of the "True Republicans." In fact, he is the God of the "True Republicans."

But didn't Reagan grant amnesty to thousands of illegal immigrants?

Indeed, he did, Sonny, but're getting too big for your britches. And you're not understanding that the Republican Gods can do things that mere mortals can't and still be "True Republicans."

Because Rush Limbaugh and Anne Coulter say so?
That's right, son.

Even if it means ruining the country by losing the election.

Gee, Republican politics are sure strange, dad.

Only in Florida where Rush Limbaugh has his mansion and wherever Anne Coulter has hers.

But what do they have against that John McCain.

History, sonny. Nothing more than history.

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