Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Supreme Court and The Supreme Clown Protest

Inexplicably, the Supreme Court is now listening to arguments that it had previously ruled out with regard to closing Guantanamo. It’s a brilliant idea, so brilliant that protesters outside the Court wore hoods over their heads so that they could remind us of the Salafist propensity for anonymous head-chopping. Apparently, two of these creeps in their orange suits have copied the Vietnam-era insignia for heroes missing in action. C’mon, take off your masks so that your mommies can see you. Or are you afraid you’ll have your weekly allowance cut back?

There’s a cop in the background. I wonder what he’s thinking. Give him my best wishes for exercising self-restraint. Maybe the protestors should be dropped off at Al-Qaeda headquarters with Teddy Bears named Mohammed.

The photo is from the Washington Post. Photo credit is to the New York Times.

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