Monday, December 17, 2007

Election 2008: Billary Leads in New Hampshire

If Billary wins the presidency, it’s going to be very weird. The media will have to separate itself into two separate armies. One media army will cover actual news events while the other will be assigned to the permanent job of sorting out the origins of any ideas which emanate from the Office of the President. Did such and such idea come from Bill? Or was that Hillary? Both will be interrogated in separate interrogation rooms but, engaging the political acumen for which they are both renowned, neither will confess. America will be doomed to a harmonious fictional concordance the real danger of which will be mostly to the American psyche. If the Clintons can stand it, they will not go mad. America may bristle at government by a committee of two but, in the end, they will accept Billary as a single monoorganism capable of expressing both the Yin and the Yang of government. All will be well in America. All will be twice as good as things were before. There will be no need to worry. Billary will be there for you.

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