Friday, August 24, 2007

Scattershot: Legal Marxism and the Deutsche Bank Building

The road to hell is patrolled by lawyers. Legal Marxism penetrates to the very core of our existence, overturning the electoral and democratic processes we prize so highly. Europe long ago reached the choke point of modern bureaucracy, something that Kafka prophesied in his book called “The Trial.” No matter what decisions are reached, there is always another layer of bureaucracy requiring approvals, committee meetings, fact-finding missions until you attain Legal Nirvana in the form of a perpetual motion stalling machine at public expense, fact-finding studies at public expense, impact studies at public expense, court challenges at public expense.

To those fanatical believers in Legal Marxism, we are all useful idiots. Why? Because we believe in clean water, clean environments, clean energy, safe cars, clean air, clean, better and newer everything. And because we do, we allow our society and its best interests to be strangled by chokeweed parasites who make millions of dollars by focusing on one single aspect of it which, by its rightness and our general acceptance, is able to thwart all necessary action for the overall preservation and protection of constitutional liberties and freedoms and the larger good.

Well, don’t you believe in “due process?” Of course I do, idiot, and I believe in the snail darter too, and the little rivulet minnows, and the disappearing frogs, and OSHA and the EPA and the tons of regulatory slag which unnecessarily killed three firemen in New York City within the past month.

What’s set me off on this rant was the tractor I use for mowing and other outdoor things. I went to a John Deere dealer to get advice about getting new blades—the others were no sharper than a baseball bat and worn to nubs. This was in Pennsylvania farm country. Think farm people. Think tractors and silage and grain and machinery and people accustomed to being independent and free and doing much for themselves.

“But these new blades are dull! “ I exclaimed.

About three farmers looked at me with that special glint in their eyes reserved for the uninitiated. They waited and stared, too reserved to disillusion me. Then it came to me, the Great Revelation of modern existence: lawsuit! So the damn John Deere Company has to ship dull blades to its farm customers because one moronic person (or an entire group of them) found an equally moronic lawyer (or entire group of them) to sue the corporation because its tractor mower blades were as sharp as the farmers needed them to be.

Lest you think the problem is a rural one, think of the Deutsche Bank building in lower Manhattan, New York City. Several of the major East Coast newspapers carried the story of the sixteen trillion layers of bureaucracy spawned by OSHA, EPA, the Downtown Development Dunces, the Committee for Dissolute Resolution, the Citizens Representatives for the Advancement of Recycled Toilet Paper, etcetera.

Look, I’m for all that citizen involvement and for worker protection and for all of those handy one concept banners about which everyone nods their head approvingly because they’re too busy to think of the consequences. Apparently, there was only one company which was willing to put up with all that (for the paltry sum of 150 million). It also cost two brave firemen earlier this month when the building, which should have been down about five years ago, caught fire and burned. And almost cost another life when an equipment hoist dropped about thirty stories and landed on another fireman or worker who thankfully survived. Now that company has been fired and there will follow a New Series of Dropped Materials Accidents. And lawsuits added to existing lawsuits.

The lucky lawyers—just imagine! We are not quite yet at the moment when every breathing individual is ensnared in one lawsuit or another but we are fast approaching it.

We voted for a government to chart a new direction American energy independence but would-be successful efforts are stalled in a miasma of special interest group lawyering.

Our coffee is served warm to us at McDonald’s.

America can no longer conduct surveillance of its enemies without barreling through the flak generated by a Democratic Congress hell bent on governing not by democratic processes but by legal fiat.

Am I getting warm? Are we a healthier society or are we laboring in the fields of national self-delusion? Shakespeare was a smart guy and he had it right long ago. Pondering the question of how to create a truly utopian society, he said:

“The first thing to do is kill all the lawyers.”

Or something to that effect.

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