Friday, July 6, 2007

Burn, Baby, Burn! : Mika Brzezinski's Pyrotechnics on MSNBC

Returning from Summer Vacation News:

In the event you were outside the country or orbiting the earth in a satellite as one of the world’s newest space tourists, it is worth re-telling the story of Mika Brzezinski’ s attempted pyrotechnics on MSNBC morning television. The episode is symptomatic of the seismic changes going on at the GE owned television conglomerate.

Call her an absolutist or a rebel, but Mika Brzezinski found the lost chord of American television when she refused to do a story on Paris Hilton’s release from jail. Not only did Ms. Brzezinski refuse, but she grabbed a cheap plastic cigarette lighter from co-host Willie Geist’s pocket and proceeded to ignite the baloney script on live tv. Co-host Willie Geist (producer of Tucker Carlson’s show) must have trained with Homeland Security because he defused the incident by snatching the mini-torch from the hands of the rebellious Mika. Mika’s a woman of great will and determination however. Under the deprecatory jibes of another co-host, Joe Scarborough, Mika got up from her desk and pushed the entire script through the paper shredder situated behind the trio.

Now, can we get on with the real news? When hell freezes over, Mika, but should you shrink to a pile of simpering mush in future endeavors, you will always be remembered (and loved) for that one grand heroic act. News junkies, it is well worth going to the MSNBC website and watching the video.

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